Our mission is to implement an Association program that provides the best possible conditions of educational service, that maintains a contract on behalf of our members, and to further enhance the educational program of the District for its students and staff.
Bargaining Updates
Are you interested in knowing what’s happening with Bargaining? OUEA wants to keep you updated on our negotiations with the District.
Click to read the latest Bargaining Update or Bulletin.
Bargaining Updates
Are you interested in knowing what’s happening with Bargaining? OUEA wants to keep you updated on our negotiations with the District.
Click to read the latest Bargaining Update or Bulletin.
Bargaining Updates
Are you interested in knowing what’s happening with Bargaining? OUEA wants to keep you updated on our negotiations with the District.
Click to read the latest Bargaining Update or Bulletin.
Bargaining Updates
Are you interested in knowing what’s happening with Bargaining? OUEA wants to keep you updated on our negotiations with the District.
Click to read the latest Bargaining Update or Bulletin.
Private Email List
E-mail our Office Coordinator at admin@ouea.org to be added to OUEA e-mail list for news and publications. Please include your name, OUSD site, and private email address. Do Not use your OUSD e-mail.
Red for Ed
American-made, Union-made Red for Ed merchandise
Red for Ed
American-made, Union-made Red for Ed merchandise
Red for Ed
American-made, Union-made Red for Ed merchandise
Red for Ed
American-made, Union-made Red for Ed merchandise
Scholarship Application
Scholarship Application
Scholarship Application
Scholarship Application
Why our collective voice matters
Unions such as CTA use their collective voice to advocate for policies that benefit all working people — like increases to the minimum wage, affordable health care and great public schools. It’s pretty simple, really: When union membership increases, living conditions of working people and their families improve. The same is true of the reverse.

Wanna Talk To Us?

The California Teacher’s Association (CTA) is the state's largest representative of education employees. It exists primarily to protect and advance the professional and economic interests of its members. CTA works for better working conditions, higher salaries, improved health benefits, progressive personnel policies and an affordable and dignified retirement. CTA advocates with the legislature, the public and local boards of education to maintain a sound, effective and productive public education system.
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm.

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